
Ken Keathley’s Bookshelf: “The Fool and the Heretic”

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Professors at Southeastern Seminary are always reading new books. Center for Faith and Culture Director Ken Keathley is no different — and we want to give you a peek into what’s on his reading list in the monthly series, “What I’m Reading.”

By Ken Keathley

Todd Wood and Darrel Falk have a lot in common. Both are evangelical believers who serve the Lord as scientists in the field of biology. Both exhibit an irenic spirit and display Christian character. However, Wood is a young-earth creationist while Falk holds to evolutionary creationism. Together they have authored a book provocatively entitled The Fool and the Heretic (Zondervan, 2019). 

Todd Wood

Wood believes that the earth is less than 10,000 years old and that God created each species by direct, miraculous action. Therefore he holds that much about the origin of the world is beyond scientific exploration. Unlike many other young-earth creationists, Wood admits that the arguments for an ancient earth and for evolution are very strong. But he rejects these arguments because he does not think they are compatible with a high view of Scripture. Many within the scientific community think Wood’s position is foolish, hence the first part of the book’s title.

Darrel Falk

Falk also believes that God created the heavens and the earth, but that He did so primarily by indirect, providential means. Therefore he holds that science is able to investigate the processes that God used to bring about the world, and that the evolutionary model is basically correct. Falk thinks that the teachings of Scripture and the scientific consensus about evolution are compatible, though he admits that the historicity of Adam and Eve presents a challenge to his approach. Many within the evangelical community believe Falk’s position to be heretical, hence the second part of the book’s title.

On Tuesday, February 25th, at 7pm, Drs. Todd Wood and Darrel Falk will present their respective arguments at the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture. They will disagree strongly, but they will do so with charity and respect. You can register to attend the event. Copies of their book will also be available. As you listen, perhaps you’ll discover that neither man is as foolish or heretical as he seems. I hope to see you there.

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Ken Keathley

Director of the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture

Ken Keathley is Senior Professor of Theology, occupying the Jesse Hendley Chair of Theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina where he has been teaching since 2006. He also directs the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture, a center that seeks to engage culture, defend the Christian faith, and explore its implications for all areas of life. Of his writing projects most notably he is the author of Salvation and Sovereignty: A Molinist Approach (2010), co-author of 40 Questions About Creation and Evolution (2014), co-editor of Old Earth or Evolutionary Creation? Discussing Origins with Reasons to Believe and BioLogos (2017), and editor of The Historical Adam and Eve: An Evangelical Conversation (forthcoming). Ken and his wife Penny have been married since 1980, live in Wake Forest, NC and are members of North Wake Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. They have a son and daughter, both married, and four grandchildren.

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